17 Random Facts About Me
While I’m busy with multiple crafts at the moment – stay tuned for them coming soon – I thought it was a fun idea (for you) to get to known some details about me that can only be called as random. Some are just ridiculous and others are… well, I’m weird. Feel free to laugh out loud, call me weird, or share with me any fact we might have in common – I doubt that!
- Let’s start this list with something light. I collect coins, my father was the one who started the collection and then I kept on going. I don’t buy them in mint condition or anything, I just “catch” every coin that gets on my hands that I don’t have, like catching pokemon in the wild.
- Since I started Uni, I keep a “collection” of train and bus tickets. Don’t ask me why I just started to put them aside and never throw them out and now I save something close to a big wad of dough, which is worth a fat zero.
- My all-time favourite Walt Disney character is Donald. I grow up watching my mother reading the comics on the beach and now I’m obsessed with them. Ask any friend of mine that has gone shopping with me and they will vouch that I’m probably the only young adult that buys those books.
- When I was young, I used to cut the products off the supermarket flyers. I was very specific on what to cut out, the image had to be clean of any overwrote numbers or words and closed to the same scale of a Barbie. You might ask why did I do it, for once I think it was the easiest way to “create” miniature products, and second, cutting a shape out is therapeutical for me.
- I don’t have a favourite Disney princess, I don’t like any of them enough for that. Also in Beauty and The Beast, I hated he transforms back to a prince in the end. I learn to like him as a beast so I don’t care for him as a prince.
- On the contrary, I love the Barbie movies, especially the first ones, those are the best. I’m 22 years old and I stop whatever I’m doing too watch a Barbie movie. Speaking of which there is one I recorded that I need to go watch. BRB!
- I adore every Johny Deep character. My favourite is without a doubt, Captain Jack Sparrow. Although I’m not a fan of the actor.
- I don’t have a favourite colour because what I like today might not be the same I like tomorrow. Yes, I’m a very indecisive person.
- I can’t get obsessed with social media because I’m too lazy. Either for posting or to turn on the pc or my phone to scroll down.
- Brace yourself, this might be hard for some people. I’ve never read a Harry Potter book or want to, and only watched the first movie. I don’t remember anything about it.
- I’m a mood gamer. Sometimes I just want to wander around the streets of San Andreas running over a few pedestrians, and other times, I want to live a quiet life in the suburbs of the sims.
- I’m so scared of spiders that I can’t even touch a picture of one. Although I’m not as afraid of the teeny-tiny ones. But still, prefer to keep a safe distance.
- Since I was a little girl, I never liked porcelain dolls or talking dolls, although I had a Furby and liked it a lot. Now I just think they are creepy.
- You know in the movies when there is a secret room behind a big painting and the eyes can come off so the owner can spy on the guests? It freaks me out when that happens. Every time I see a painting perfect for such scene, I curl up in a ball and watch it through my finger.
- My weirdest fear is with antennas, I’m talking about big, giant, tall antennas, not the ones we have at home. I don’t know why but I don’t like being near them.
- Also, I’m scared of the Statue of Liberty. Every time in the movies they decide is great to have slow panning shot showing all its glory, I jump. And once I had the brilliant idea of watching a video showing how you access the statue, now the image of the inside of the statue is stuck in my mind and only the thought of being there and experience it gives me anxiety. Guess that’s a tourist stop I’m only going to see from afar.
- If everything else didn’t make me sound like crazy this will. I talk to myself when I’m alone, like huge monologues in my head. And as I’m writing this post I have used my hands “to talk”. It helps me to think and to get the words out of my mind. And probably I might have thrown a few facial expressions to the mix.
In conclusion, I’m weird! If we think about it, we all are. Each one of us has something or does something for no apparent reason, that makes us feel good or safe or just sane. These are some of mine, which are yours?
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