August & September Book Overview
I’ve decided to pass on last month Book Overview because it would be a disaster. I’ve been in the weirdest reading mood ever. I read a total of three books and not a single one of them was started in those months. So it has been hard and sad times for my babies. I haven’t given them much attention, but things are going to change (hopefully). Before I get to that is better guide you month by month. Try not to get lost I have so much to say…
August was the worst. After the incomplete readathon, I had a couple of books I was already reading, so I finished those by the half o the month, but then I shut down. Don’t ask me why but I just stopped reading. I wasn’t in the mood to pick up a book. And then there were all the things I needed to do with the blog… Bottom line, I just read Love & Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch and Murder List by Julie Garwood. Both of the books were amazing, and by the end of it, I had a smile from ear to ear. I did a review for Love & Gelato but if you want to know more of my thoughts on Murder List go to my Goodreads account. More often than not, I do a small review of the books I read instead of a full review here on the blog.
My mood was so low that I didn’t even care for bookish news and upcoming releases. Only added two books to my TBR and one of them I can’t remember what it’s about. The Final Six by Alexandra Monir is the one I’m particularly interested in. It gives a lot of The 100 vibes, and I’m such in the mood for sci-fi right now. The other book is Honor Among Thieves by Rachel Cine, and again it has a futuristic touch to it but more than that I don’t know. I’m just going to trust my past-self when she decided to add it to my TBR pile.
Since a new month doesn’t always mean a new mood, I was looking at my bedside table and wasn’t interested in picking up any book. Although, I wanted to change that. So one day I just forced myself to pick up Leonardo’s Swans by Karen Essex and finish it already. After skipping a few paragraphs – which I’m not proud of – I can say that I finish it. Despite learning a lot of the Da Vinci’s art and Italian culture, especially the Sforza family, the book was too dense. At some points, it was becoming boring, like if it was straight from a history book.
Most recently I’ve been loving comics. It can count as reading but since I have a few books to read I’m just procrastinating and going on the easy way out. I started with Manga, always loved it and always will. I read Are Nochi Kareshi by Yuki Shiraishi, and it was modestly funny. It is tiny, I was expecting it to be bigger ( it only has one volume), and the romantic interest happens too fast but it’s still is a manga that I would reread. Also started reading Bambi to Dhole by Okaue Ai which is much more intriguing and (more importantly) has more than one volume. I’ve only read the first chapter because I would start reading it non-stop. I have a problem with mangas, once I’m hocked, I can’t stop. Meaning I have fallen asleep at 5 in the morning because I couldn’t hold myself.
Also thought to see what Saga is all about. I’ve heard so many people talking about it and getting very excited but never thought I would like it. I’m not a huge fan of fantasy and since both characters on the cover are everything except humans I figured it probably wouldn’t be for me. I was completely wrong. It is soooooo goooooodddd!! OMG! If you haven’t read it yet, you must. It’s funny, hardcore, is for a mature audience but the dialogue is raw, and the deaths are really cool. Sorry if I love seeing guts spill out everywhere. I only wish there was a warning for arachnophobia. The first time The Stalk appeared I almost shat myself. I wasn’t scared of all those eyes and didn’t even think what could she be, but men when her squirt went up I almost had a heart attack and dropped my phone. After that when she appeared I would be like in my arms all stretched out, and the screen tilted away from me so I could read and yet have a safe distance from all her body. It gives me chills just thinking about it.
Since I’ve been in such bad mood, in this past two months, I only bought one book because it was on sale and I had to grab that opportunity; We were liars by E. Lockhart. I’ve heard about it a lot and I probably I’m coming late to the party since she is now releasing another book and everyone is obsessing over it, Genuine Fraud. The only thing I know is that I shouldn’t trust the author, but I’m going to try and erase that from my memory because I don’t want to spoil myself. Since I know from the beginning, there is something fishy going on it can make me predict the end.
Like with The Hounds of Baskerville by Arthur Conan Doyle I knew from the beginning the twist was supposed to blow me away, but since I read the first sentence, I was already searching for what the twist could be, which made it predictable. So from now on, I’m going to avoid knowing which mysteries have great twists. I want to find the end by my one mines not because I knew it wouldn’t be what expected. If this makes any sense!
Finally, by the end of the month, I was back at my favorite bookish news platforms: Booktube, Goodreads, and Epicreads. And I was embracing all those news until I came across the next book. I’m so thrilled to have it and just found it by luck. The newest Neil Patrick Harris book! Despite being an awesome actor, he is also an author?! Can he get any better? I love him, and obviously, I want to read this new middle-grade series. It’s called The Magic Misfits, and the cover is adorable!! It’s about magic, and there isn’t something any great then magic. I fell such a child again wanting to read it. Oh, how exciting!
In other news. Despite loving YA, I can’t avoid others genres. And the following books interested me by there plots and not because they are in the YA section. Someone You Love is Gone by Gurjinder Basran might be the most dramatic and dark on this list. It talks about death and how different generations deal with the disappearance of a relative. To cheer up a little, The Roots of the Olive Tree by Courtney Miller Santo sounds like The secret life of Bees. Wich I’m expecting to explore the roots of a family and how they react while they discover their origins. Also, it takes place on a farm, and there is nothing beautiful than being close to nature. To crazy everything up, Furiously Happy: A funny Book About Horrible Things by Jenny Lawson as a crazy cover and it related to mental illness. From what I gathered it’s about the author’s personal life, and she is sharing stupid things she has done to prove that no matter what we all have that side that makes us weirds.
So, for now, I don’t have much more to share about this past two months, except what I want to read in October. Since Zoë from Readbyzoe channel will be hosting a 24-hour readathon on the 14 of October, and I want to finish reading The Shining by Steven King. Since Halloween is just around the corner, I want to read something spooky for a change. I’ve never picked up any terror book, and I only know this about the book. I hope I can finish it and don’t be a chicken and drop out. Another book I have to pick up, it’s mandatory is The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking. We are already in Autumn, and there isn’t the perfect book to read as this one. It’s all cozy, and rainy days are an important part of Hygge so why not read it while creating the ambient the book is about.
At last but not least, The Nightmare by Lars Kepler. This book is a Nordic mystery and has a huge success among the genre. I don’t know what the difference from a “normal” mystery is, but I’m hoping by reading it to find out. There is only one thing that scares me, how big these books are. They are bigger than I normally read and I’m only hoping not to be too ambitious thinking I can finish all three by the end of the month. Well, we shall see.
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