Booktube-A-Thon 2017 TBR
If you are interested, any one can participate in this readathon. At the beginning it was created more with the purpose of uploading YouTube videos throughout the challenge but what matter is to share the love of reading with other people who are passionate as you are. You don’t have any specific genre that you are supposed to read so feel free to grab anything you want. Most importantly the point is to have fun and read! Also, you can follow the Booktube-A-Thon challenge on Youtube, Twitter and Instagram for daily challenges with multiples well-known booktubers.
I’ve just spent more than an hour looking through my books and decide which one to pick for each challenge and let me tell you it was a huge headache. In the perfect scenario I would go to the nearest bookshop and buy more books that I think are perfect and fit the challenges but I don’t have that much money to spend in new books just because… I have to work with what I already own, therefore I present to you my TBR for Booktube-A-Thon 2017:
1. Read a book with a person on the cover.
Heat Rises by Richard Castle
This is the only re-read on this TBR, I’m already re-reading the Nikki Heat series and thought it would be a great chance to get forward in the series. Although I’m still yet to finish Naked Heat and if I don’t end it by the time the Booktube-A-Thon starts I don’t know another book to pick up. Basically, in this challenge, you have to pick up a book with someone on the cover. It can be just a hand, hair, a face, a silhouette – in my case – or even a drawing of a person. If it represents a person it counts!
2. Read a hyped book.
The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking
This was the hardest book to choose. All my recent and more hyped books I already read for the exact same reason they were hyped at the moment. And yesterday, I saw on an Instagram post a TBR of another readathon participant and she added The Little Book of Hygge as her hyped book and despite there being others that are more popular, there was a time when almost EVERY Instagram post had this book. All that publicity was one of the reasons why I buy the Hygge in the first place. I guess it counts as a hyped book.
3. Finish a book in one day.
Cão Como Nós by Manuel Alegre
Unfortunately, this book doesn’t exist in English and it’s by a Portuguese author. I want to read something around the 100-200 pages for this challenge and I just saw this book sitting there. It’s great to read foreign literature because is easy for me to share here in the blog my thoughts but I also should pay more attention to the Portuguese authors even when they don’t have their books translated. This book talks about a dog the author owned and the problem he faced by teaching the naughty dog.
4. Read about a character that is very different from you.
The adventures of Sherlock Holmes & The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
For this challenge, my first thought was “I have to find a male protagonist”. It isn’t the first time I read Sherlock and I wanted to end all my copies of his stories. I was already saving both books for a readathon, so why not read it next week? I chose two books for this topic because combined they have 227 pages and it’s told in short stories so is even quicker to read.
5. Finish a book completely outdoors.
Footprints: The True Story Behind the Poem That Inspired Millions by Margeret Fishback Powers
This book is way out of what I usually like to read I don’t even know if I would be liking it or not but I wanted something that represented summer or bright days in some way. Sadly the book I would love to add to this TBR it will be finished by the time the readathon starts. Love and Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch are perfect for this time of the year and reading it beside a pool or at the beach is the dream. The point is to read outside but you don’t have to do it in one sitting just go outside every time you pick the book up.
6. Read a book you bought because of the cover.
Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them, Original Script by J. K. Rolling
Let’s be honest at some point he all buys a book because the cover was beautiful and we couldn’t live without it – or we thought we couldn’t! Despite loving the movie, the naked cover has a niffler engraved! NOTHING can beat a niffler. So I bought this book more because of the pretty cover instead of the actual content inside.
7. Read seven books.
Murder List by Julie Garwood
For this challenge you can choose whatever you want. You can even repeat the other challenges as long as you complete seven books during the readathon. I’ve DFNed Murder List in the past because I was already 1/4 of the book and the synopsis haven’t happened yet, so I decided to put it aside. Even though, the story sounds very interesting and at that time I didn’t care about it at all. Hopefully, this time I can finish it and complete the 2017 Booktube-A-Thon.
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