- Category: Books -

  • Holding the book Angels and Demons by Dan Brown.

    In Review: Angels & Demons

    I adore the Robert Langdon series by Dan Brown. Ever since I read The Da Vinci Code, I’ve been making my way through the series. Although, I’ve been reading it in the most out-of-order you…

  • Book standing on a table.

    In Review: Virgin

    Have you ever rage quit a book? You know, getting so done with a book that you want to shut it as hard as you can or throw it away without minding if it gets…

  • Book standing up next to a small plant.

    In Review: The Final Six

    The first time I read The Final Six by Alexandra Monir was back in 2020. I listened to the audiobook while working on a puzzle and really enjoyed it. Right after that, I listened to…

  • Kindle Paperwhite with full colour cover of This Mortal Coil by Emily Suvada.

    In Review: This Mortal Coil

    I have no words. You’re about to read a full review of This Mortal Coil by Emily Suvada, but I want to state that I’m at a loss for words, even though I’m about to…

  • Pile of unread sci-fi books.

    Project TBR Zero: After a Year

    June marks one year of my Project TBR Zero, and I have to say that after a whole year, it’s been hard to keep focus and find meaning in this project. Not what I expected…

  • Kindle Paperwhite showing the cover of the book next to headphones.

    In Review: Under the Heavens

    While I’m slowly but steadily getting out of my most recent reading slump, nothing like reviewing a book to remind myself why reading is so great. This time is Under the Heavens by Ruth Fox,…

  • Shelf Shelf DIY (Shelf Riser)

    My bookshelves always bothered me for one reason: they are too deep. And lately, with the growth of my book collection, I found myself thinking of putting the books in double rows. Although which books…

  • Holding a copy of Into the Darkest Corner by Elizabeth Haynes.

    In Review: Into the Darkest Corner

    In January, I mentioned Into the Darkest Corner by Elizabeth Haynes in my Favourites Books of 2022 and even compared it to The Book of You by Claire Kendal. Both books have some similarities, although…

  • Book next to a piece of chalk as if the cover was drawn with it.

    In Review: The Chalk Man

    I can’t remember how long I wanted to read a CJ Tudor. Since the author blew up with her debut novel, The Chalk Man, I was intrigued. Mystery, thriller, maybe with a little sprinkle of…

  • The Duff by Kory Keplinger on top of a stack of books.

    In Review: The DUFF

    This year has been top-notch when it comes to reading. I’m yet to read a book I don’t give 5 stars. One of those honoured is The DUFF by Kody Keplinger. Published over a decade…

  • Holding a stack of the three books in the Dark Matter series.

    Dark Matter book series by Teri Terry

    The Dark Matter series by Teri Terry is one of my favourites. I’ve already reviewed the first book on the blog, and as I said there, I had to read the rest. And now here…