- Category: In Review -

  • In review: Carve The Mark

    It always feels sad to close a book. It feels as a world had just stopped existing. Opening it again releases all those characters, those relationships, those stories. But closing a book for the last…

  • In Review: We Can Be Mended

    On one peaceful day, I was scrolling down my Twitter like I enjoy doing every morning. When I was giving up and put down my phone, one little thing caught my attention: a tweet from…

  • In Review: 50 Shades Darker

    I just saw this movie a couple of days ago and I needed to write about it. I feel I’m going to explode! There is so much stuff to talk about I don’t even know…

  • In Review: Finding Audrey

    Hiding herself behind the glasses, Audrey struggles every day with an anxiety disorder that locked her away from the world. Step by step, she’s fighting her battle with the help of her family and Dr…

  • In Review: Let It Snow

    Today I bring to you my review of Let It Snow. Since I finished it I wasn’t quite sure if I should do a review or not so I’ve been delaying to hit the publish…

  • In Review: Allegiant

    Today is time to do another book review, the final and BEST Divergent Trilogy book: Allegiant. I've seen reviews saying it was an excellent book to others saying it was the worst book ever. I…

  • In Review: Insurgent

    After today’s morning news I believe a book is what everyone needs right now. With so many disappointment from the US elections reading a book that does not feature the world as we know is…

  • In review: Divergent

    To start of this week celebrating the arrival of my birth month there is nothing better than reading a book wrapped in a comfy blanket sipping a cup of hot tea. Be aware this book is a serious…

  • In review: Heat Rises

    Last week I brought to you my thoughts about Castle and the first two books written by the one and only, Richard Castle. As you may or may not remember I was halfway through the…

  • How I met your… mother?

    If you have never seen How I Met Your Mother there is something you need to know: the show is Legen... wait for it... dary! Legendary!!

  • In Review: French Gardener

    More than two weeks later I remember I still haven’t celebrated here in the blog the arrival of spring. For that reason, I decided to talk about one book that I think is perfect to…