December TBR
I’ve just watched Ariana Grande newest music video, and it’s great! The music is such a mood! This is going to be stuck in my head for the rest of the day. Although I’m not here to write about Ariana’s new song, and instead to gush about books.
Here we are in December, and here I am throwing away my autumnal TBR out of the window. In my September Wrap-Up, I was planning a TBR for the newly began season that I was going to read until the last day of Autumn, December 21st. First I thought I was doing great but we are already in December, and it means I only have 21 days to finish that TBR although I want to read something else to get me in the Christmas spirit. From that seasonal TBR, I have yet to finish The Affair by Amanda Broke and Snow Flower and The Secret Fan by Lisa See, and the other six books in that list, only one I’m still planning on reading before Christmas.
Hopefully, I’ll finish both books before Winter begins as for the rest of my TBR, I want to read Carry On by Rainbow Rowell. I’ve said countless times how great her books are, and I can’t wait to curl up in a blanket with the book in my lap. Then, I need to read A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, it’s my top priority! I can baile any book except this one I can read it at other time of the year, but it won’t be the same thing.
To match perfectly with the charm of the season, there’s nothing like a middle-grade book, especially if it’s about magic. I’m ready to believe! Since I bought the book last week, I feel so excited to pick it up. I’m talking about The Magic Misfits by Neil Patrick Harris. You might recognise the name from How I Met Your Mother or A Series of Unfortunate Events, either way, I think he is a great actor, and I want to know if he is also a good writer. I’m expecting to laugh out loud and to awwwww the hardest I can. Either way, magic is everything you need for a great Christmas spirit.
This time last year, Otherworld by Jason Seagle and Kristen Miller was coming out, and I think there isn’t a better time to read a book than when it has come out. From the synopsis, I don’t see any relation with Christmas or Winter but that doesn’t mean the book isn’t perfect to read during this time. I just know that it has been 9 months since I read Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, and I need some geeky story in my life.
I know for a fact that December is going to be a crazy and busy month this year, and if I can accomplish this four books before Christmas, it’s going to be amazing. Although I can’t sit here and let 2018 come to an end without reading The Fates Divide by Veronica Roth. I know I keep on talking on and on about this book but it was one of my most anticipated books of the year, and it feels like a crime not to read it before the end of the year.
Caught on my radar
As I was looking through pages and pages of books to try and find the best deals, I came across a few books that caught my attention and interested me in some way. The Color Purple by Alice Walker actually came out a few years ago and despite the heartbreaking storyline what interested me was how it is written. The main character tells her story through letters she writes for God. I don’t believe in God or any godly like figure, but I do enjoy understanding how other people see religion and how that affects their lives.
The Goodreads Choice Awards isn’t just good to vote in our favourite books of the year, it’s also a great way to discover books that might have slipped through our fingers. The Way We Fall by Megan Crewe is the case. I can’t resist a dystopian/post-apocalyptic story and this book sounds thrilling. A rush to survive in a locked down island after an unknown deadly virus is spreading out sounds to me like a great plot. There is also something deadly about wives and mothers that I can’t keep away. The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen doesn’t seem like the typical jealous ex-wife story, and it’s advised to read between the lines which is something I want to do.
The next couple books, I discover them while looking for some Black Friday deals. Lightborn by Tricia Sullivan is one of them. It doesn’t have great reviews, although I can’t resist the sci-fi side of the story. Lightborn is a mind-altering technology that started to affect the adult population Usually, when a book with a great plot doesn’t have matching reviews it’s because it felt short or was poorly executed, although I still hope that it can be an enjoyable book. I don’t expect it to be five stars, I just want to have a good time. On the other hand, Limit by Frank Schätzing is a pure science-fiction. Set in the moon, as an entrepreneur builds a new resort alongside a space elevator, to transport a new source of fuel back to Earth. Meanwhile, on our planet, a cybercop discovers that something dangerous is about to happen that can destroy everything that is being built on the Moon. I’m hoping to be a delight for someone that enjoys… wait a minute… IT’S FREAKING 1000 PAGES LONG?! That is a big boy! Oh my goodness I already can imagine taking half a year to read it.
I can’t believe how much I want to read in December knowing how busy it’s going to be. Please, send help! Now, if you excuse me, I need to go and set up my Christmas tree and decorate the whole house on the inside and outside.
Thank you, next!
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