February Book Overview
Since I’m talking about what to read next, I might as well start with my March want-to readings. First one: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell! I bought this book in OCTOBER and I HAVEN’T READ IT YET! I’ve delayed it and I’m not sure way. I was planning to read it last month but I went book shopping sooo… you can guess the rest of the story. BUT! I will read it this month because if I don’t… I’ll have to leave for April and I will procrastinate to read it.
NOTE TO SELF: Once you’re done with Carve The Mark just grab Fangirl and don’t. Look. Back!
Moving on to the book I-don’t-have-and-wish-to: Love & Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch. It is the ONE I want to read during spring or summer – we’ll see. From the synopsis on Goodreads, it sounds similar to The French Gardener, in the part were both main characters have a diary/journal from other person and are taking the same footsteps, reliving the same places in a different perspective. That was what I liked must about Montefiore’s book. So my expectations are a bit higher than usual.
Another book I’m really intrigued by it: A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab. I’m not a huge fan of fantasy either in books, movies or video games, but the fact that the main character can travel between parallel universes sounds AMAZING to me. I like the concept and I’m curious how the author would develop the story.
Jumping to what I’ve been reading in February… I started the month reading one story of Sherlock Holmes – I love the character but actually never read anything. The book have different stories but I just read the one that I wanted, it’s called The Hounds of the Baskervilles. It was supposed to have a big plot twist but unfortunately, was a bit predictable for me. I still enjoy it, just got a little disappointed. Speaking of which reminds me, that I found another book that is based on Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro. From what I’ve understood the story is about the descendent of Holmes and Watson and them not only inherited the names they also got the temperament. It should be interesting to read how such iconic characters would be nowadays.
Travelling into the future… I’m currently one-quarter into Carve The Mark by Veronica Roth and so far so good. Still is too soon to say if I love or hate it, but it’s a big page turner. Completely different from Divergent which is good and I’m looking forward to knowing more about the whole new galaxy Veronica created.
Recently I’ve been reading Young Adult and loving it but since Allegiant I saw I needed to read books with older characters and to read more mature relationships. I started to search and discovered a new genre: New Adult and the “queen” is Collen Hoover. Since I know nothing about this genre I want to give a try to one of her books and the ones that are appealing more to me are: November 9 and Confess. She has so many books that I don’t even know where to start.
Before I finish, I want to talk about one bookish new that caught my eye. The trailer for the movie of Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon has been released and – as usual – I’ve seen and heard great things about the book but I actually never knew what the story was about. I’m starting to believe this is a thing with me and book, I want them without knowing much or anything. I even thought it was about a Jamaican girl that was going to be deported but actually that story is from another book by Nicole, The Sun is Also a Star. Obviously, as soon as I saw the trailer I instantly wished to read it. For my biggest regret I did a small goal to myself, avoid as long as I can to buy new books. I own so many books I’ve never read and if I keep reading new ones I’ll never going to pick them up.
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