In Review: A Monster Calls
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Author: Patrick Ness Publisher: Walker Books Year: 2011 Pages: 216
I want to start by giving a pat on the back for all the people that can write big/normal reviews about this book. The only thing I can think of is purity and raw beauty.
This is for sure one of the hardest reviews I ever had to do. It has been 2 weeks since I read A Monster Call and the only thing I can say is how beautiful it was. I don’t believe there are words that can describe how great this book was so I’m going to keep this review short.
While reading this book you won’t laugh or even smile. You might cry and hate it. But you won’t be depressed or bored. You might wish never to read it again but at the same time, you know you just read the most important book of your life. I can’t promise you will have a great time reading it – as I did – but you will be pleased to have read it at least once.
The book was released in 2011 but only in 2016 when the movie trailer came that people started to talk about it again. I haven’t seen the movie and I’m not excited for it. The book is so powerful and well written I don’t fell the need to see the film.
If you are willing to board on an emotional roller coaster, just jump right in. Don’t ask what is it about. Just read. I read the synopsis and once I started the book I wish I never did. So I’m going to leave you with the first sentence:
The monster showed up just after midnight. As they do.
The book features a monster and a 13 years old boy, named Conor. Although the story takes twists and turns you don’t expect to read. And you can predict whatever you want, but the story will still get you. Step by step you will start knowing and caring for the characters. They will not become your best friends instead they will become you.
For such emotional book, some people don’t consider it a middle grade read. First, it deals with complex topics and emotions that not every middle grader might understand/care about. And second, this book suits all ages. Either if you are 14 or 40 years old this book is for you. On the other side, I do remember some parts being told in a simple/childish kind of way to make it easier to understand. Rather, if it was written for a mature audience it would be more complex.
I read this book in two days since I was participating in the Spookathon and I wish I had taken longer. I wish I had taken my time to read every word, to embrace every scene. I actually never got to a point where I started crying, but I was close to that. And unlike other people that cry their eyes off so much they have a love/hate relationship with the book, I loved it. The book is beautiful and I hope one day share it with my children. Because this book is about real life. It’s about how not everything goes how we want and how we can’t control everything in our lives. Despite the monster, I never ever read a book so real as this one.
If by now you aren’t convinced maybe you aren’t in the mood to pick it up. Although I want you to add it to your TBR and let it stay there until you are ready. Even though it’s a heavy book to digest, it’s a huge page turner and you can read it easily in one sitting. I, for once, love a book with all of my heart and I’m going to get a physical copy with illustrations to treasure for all eternity. It will be my bible and the book I’m going to recommend every time someone needs a real story to connect with.
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