In Review: Finding Audrey
Hiding herself behind the glasses, Audrey struggles every day with an anxiety disorder that locked her away from the world. Step by step, she’s fighting her battle with the help of her family and Dr Sarah. Until one day when she meets Linus.
To be honest I wasn’t expecting the story to be soo eye opening. It approaches how bullying can affect people, creating new problems, especially psychological problems, and how those problems after everyone around. Despite the lighted way Kinsella wrote the story and how wonderfully well all ended, the topic is pretty serious and isn’t any fairy tale. Bullying is awful and we all know that but how aware are we about the consequences?? A teenager being bullied every day in school will have problems in his life and them won’t go away by just crying to sleep. In the next day when he woke up, we will remember what happened in the day before and he will start trying to avoid going to school. From that moment on only God knows what can happen next.
I know this is such a serious matter but when you go read this book is important to see behind the words, to read between the lines and reflect the whole situation. We know bullying is bad but how far do we think it can get in the way of living your life. The human being is quite selfish and until facing the problems himself, he doesn’t spend much time thinking about those problems affecting the others. So this book makes you think and realises what are can be those consequences.
Kinsella never gets to say exactly what happened and I’m glad she didn’t. The story is told from Audrey point of view and she refers multiple times that remembering that day for her is a big pain and emotion to go through again. And revisiting all of it just to kill some morbid curiosity of the reader is unnecessary. Yet, I was able to understand what happened to her, not precisely but I can imagine a scenario. If I was 14 years old I would probably still want her to tell me exactly what happened with all the details, which is very selfish of me but 21 years old me don’t have that need because I’m mature enough to know that everyone deserves his privacy.
Be aware, I also know is just a book but I don’t want to break the illusion Kinsella created so well that makes me treat Audrey as if she was real – and I know somewhere in the world, she probably is.
I believe I was on the edge to be able to enjoy this book. The main character is too young and it has a few times when she shows her childish side really characteristic from a 14 years-old and I didn’t have much patience for it. On the other side, if she hadn’t those moments the character would fell fake. After all, I think I got attached to Audrey as if she was a little sister that I would help to grow and teacher everything I know.
It wasn’t my favourite book but what interested me was the topic behind it. Although it is a young-adult book, there are a few adults out there that should read this book to see if they can understand that bullying is a problem that can affect the way of living. Also, every teenager should read it because sometimes people don’t measure their actions and don’t think how they affect other people and I believe those values should be taught while where living our immature phase.
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