Ereader laying on books showing a colour version of The Curious Secrets of Yesterday.

In Review: The Curious Secrets of Yesterday

If you are looking for a nice light read to keep you company in these upcoming warm months, The Curious Secrets of Yesterday by Namrata Patel could be what you need. In between spices and family secrets, a woman is trying to find her way. And it might happen to cross paths with a kind and handsome new neighbour.

Disclaimer: Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read this book for free. All the thoughts and opinions here are my own.

Title: The Curious Secrets of Yesterday Author: Namrata Patel Publication year: 2024 Length: 9 hours 52 minutes Genre: Contemporary, Romance Pace: Medium Story focus: Character & Plot

More than family secrets, this story is about a woman in her early thirties still trying to find herself. All her life, she was taught to continue the family tradition of spice healers, ayurveda. Although Tulsi always did what was expected of her without giving it much thought. And now she’s approaching her final test. Either the tradition continues or ends with her. Scared to disappoint her family, Tulsi is facing a big dilemma. She doesn’t want the same life her mother and grandmother had, especially when it seems such a lonely life.

When Tulsi finds a letter from her grandmother, speaking of a long-ago betrayal, she sees it as a door to her family’s past. One that always brings so much sorrow to both women. Tulsi starts to uncover secrets and old wounds she’s determined to help mend. And in the process, she might discover her life’s true purpose.

The family dynamics are, in a word, complex. There is a lot of love that often clashes with tradition and expectations. In particular, Tulsi’s grandmother can be very stubborn in her views of the world, work, granddaughter, and past. And that becomes the biggest opposing force against Tulsi. She realises how much she allows her family to be in their ways without questioning it and how that strips away a part of her identity. All those secrets have a cost, and it might be Tulsi.

Ereader laying on top of a crochet cover while showing the cover of TheCurious Secrets of Yesterday.

The story reflects a lot on family relations, old views, how traditions and fates can suppress and be unfair, and how past trauma affects present relationships. There’s also a big emphasis on dealing with what is out of our control. The story doesn’t follow only the growth of the main character. Her mother and grandmother also have a bit of learning to do as well.

While Tulsi might not know what she wants to do with her life, she shows a lot of emotional maturity. She becomes the mediator in her family’s healing process. And even in the romantic relationship that starts to bloom on the side, she isn’t afraid to show herself, even if that means babbling to fill in any awkwardness. The romance never overpowers the main story. It’s a helper. An outsider perspective that helps Tulsi become even more assured of herself.

Every mystery or new character introduced had a very clear purpose. Once you get familiar with the story, it’s obvious where the plot is going. However, the stars of the show are the characters and their relationships. So, it doesn’t matter if the plot is predictable because it’s only creating opportunities for Tulsi to grow and discover herself.

I had a lovely time reading this book even when Tulsi’s grandmother was so uncooperative or their lives took a turn for the worse. I adored following Tulsi and witnessing her journey to discover herself as an individual, her place in her family and her family’s traditions. It’s a hopeful and loving story where everything works out for the best. And sometimes that’s exactly what you need.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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