In Review: The List
Author: Joanna Bolouri Publisher: Quercus Publishing Year: 2014 Pages: 400
Today, I’m doing a very special review. I read this book last month, and it won my heart. From a moment to another, it became my all-time favourite book. You know a book is good when even before you finish it you already and to reread it. And since we are starting a new year, there isn’t a more appropriate time to read this gem than now – at least I know I will. Grab a copy, a bucket of popcorn and sit comfortably, while you laugh out loud at all Phoebe’s adventures.
Phoebe has been single for over a year since she found her ex-boyfriend in bed with another woman. After a multiple glasses of wine and long talks with her best friend Lucy, Phoebe decided to make a list of 10 things she never had the chance to try in bed. From one night stands to friends with benefits, this is the real naughty list.
The first thing I want to talk about is the writing. I adore any book that is told in diary form or has diary parts in it, but this one is gold. The entire book is the journal of Phoebe during one year while she’s attempting to check her bucket list between sheets (I love this description). And instead of having intense descriptive days to develop the story, it actually happens more sporadic and slow. We have days with multiple pages, others with just a paragraph, and even a few days that don’t exist.
Sometimes the little logs don’t add much to the story, but that’s what makes it real. If you were writing a diary, I’m sure a few days would be nonsense, nothing important, writing down something to remember or to just check in. The same thing happens with birthdays. If a book takes places in a year, all the characters will have their birthdays. Some are important and help develop the story and others are just simple reminders to Phoebe. Either way, it felt even more real to read this book when all these little details weren’t left behind.
I also like how the book chapters are the 12 months in a year. I usually prefer books with shorter chapters since I have more opportunities to stop at any time, although these 12 chapters felt like nothing. Each has about 30 pages that you can easily fly through. You can easily read it in one sitting but I must warn you that this book is highly addictive. It’s so addictive that you will not remember to eat, or the month you are, or even the place you are in. The story is so captivating and immersive you forget everything and focus only on Phoebe.
Speaking of her, she is a cross bride between Max Black, from 2 Broke Girls, with Brigit Jones. She always has the answer in the tip of her tongue but is insecure about her love life. She is frisky and romantic. She feels self-conscious but doesn’t always show it. For me, Phoebe is a hard character to let go. It was hard to read the last page and close the book. She is so funny and outgoing that you just want to spend more and more time with her. It was thanks to Phoebe that I’ve learn how much important the journey is then the result. Until now, I’ve never had this perspective, this need to keep taking the journey endlessly.
Since this is an Adult book, I find it refreshing between all of the very hyped YA books. It gives other perspectives, a different narrative and topics that don’t feature books target for a more younger audience. Obviously, this book is about sex, but it also approaches the relations that come with it, the awkward moments, the problems, and the humour. As I was reading it, it didn’t seem an overly exaggerated perfect vision of sex. It was what it was and wasn’t cringy at all. At any moment, I thought a scene was too much for me. Even though, it’s not 50 Shades some scenes could be a little bit detailed, which made the moment even sexier and hotter.
At some point I found myself carving for a movie adaptation or for a movie with a similar story to this. Unfortunately, I didn’t find any. A film that is always brought up with this book is the Diary of Brigit Jones. I don’t think Phoebe is the knew Brigit since they are different people. I can see similarities between both stories, but for me, they don’t match. Although, one movie that popped into my head, at some point while reading, was The Ugly Truth. Not much in common except the sexual discovery part and the fight between the male candidates – in this case between a male and a list. I think I will always be on the hunt for the film that can give me another Phoebe to fall in love with.
The humour is a big part of this story and if you prefer big dramas probably this isn’t the book for you. If you enjoy the sharp talk in 2 Broke Girls or the sexual jokes from American Pie, this book is going to be a delight for you. I had so much fun reading it that 400 pages seemed like nothing. If all Joanna’s books are like this, cocky, unfiltered, real and funny I want to read them all. And if she wants to do a sequel to let us pick for one more year into Phoebe’s life, I won’t mind.
Side note: It’s actually going to be a sequel to The List. Yesterday, I found out Joanna is going to release another book with Phoebe, on May 31st. The Kindle version is going to be available sooner on March 1st. The so waited continuation of Phoebe’s life is coming our way in Relight my Fire and is now my most anticipated book of 2018! I don’t even think I can wait for the physical copy to be released. I need more Phoebe and I need it now! So if you haven’t read The List now is your chance. Grab a copy – since it’s at a great price – and you can still finish it in time for the next adventures.
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