June Book Overview
Excuses aside, we are already in July and in the past month, I only posted once! But for some reason, my stats aren’t as bad as I thought they would be… hmm… strange. Nevermind, my exams are (almost) over and is time to get back blogging. I’ve missed this little place so much! And if you have following me around for a few month – or basically just scrolling down to my older posts – you know that with the begging of a new month is time for my Book Overview.
Starting off with the book(s) I’ve read! I have yet to finish Leonardo’s Swans by Karen Essex, it was taking me so looonnngggg… and it was getting me into a reading slump, so it was better to just move on. Went to my TBR pile and grab Hollow City by Ransom Riggs. It took me literally ONE FREAKING MONTH to finish! Just why did I do that?! I should have finished it in half of the time. Well, at least I finished it in time for this post.
Despite all my disappointment I also read “another book”: the first book of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. This is one of those collections some publishers do that don’t follow any order in specific. I think is easy to say what stories I’ve read otherwise this will be a mess. This little book only has 95 pages and includes A Scandal in Bohemia, The Boscombe Valley Mystery and The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle. According to Wikipedia – great fonts I know… – those are the first, fourth and seventh stories of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes collection in publication order. The Goodreads considers this as a book read, but I’ve just read three short stories so I don’t quite count on it as a book.
Summing up, I’ve just read one book in June. Not my best month! And all because in my free time I was watching some TV series instead of reading. For those who also enjoy other series despite the book ones, you know they have been cancelling a few – for not saying a lot – of them. Recently one of the new release/already cancelled series that caught my eye was Time After Time by Karl Alexander. I was so upset for ABC cancelling that show after five episodes that I started searching for possibly a book it was based on. And I found it! I add it to my TBR list on Goodreads but the story gets really different from the Tv series. First, it takes place in 1979, 38 years before the series, before all the technological boom. I wasn’t even born in ’79 so I don’t know what was normal back then I just know what is normal in the twenty-first century. So I’m not sure if I will enjoy the book as much as the series, probably the only thing to decide is to pick this book up and give it a try. Another books I will consider next time to read is by H. G. Wells. They are classics and he was after all called the father of science fiction and truth to be told I love a good sci-fi even if it has 120 years. A lot of things have changed but we still don’t have levitating cars.
Two weeks ago was the BookExpo and BookCon. I don’t go – obviously- but I follow a few booktubers who went there and brought back some books that got me interested. Adam Silvera is going to release his third book on September 5th called They Both Die at the End. From what I’ve been hearing he has the gift to heartbreak people and making you cry like a baby. Also, if the end of the book is written in the title I’m curious what will happen in between those pages. Either if I grab this book or other from him I’m expecting an emotional trip that I would like to take. For some reason I want to cry reading a book and if Adam doesn’t give me that I’m hopping This is Where It Ends by Marieke Nijkamp do. It sounds brutal, deadly and brings up a current problem in our society.
Also, today is not the first time I’ve heard about Ready Player One by Ernest Cline but the cover never convinced me to invest my curiosity in it. Although it is recommended as a book for gamers or people-that-love-to-play-videogames-but-don’t-waist-too-much-time-doing-it. I’m one of those people and if this book is directed to me or to this specific subject I’m interested, why not read it and forget about the cover not being the most aesthetically pleasing thing on earth?!
I’ve already said back in my April BO that my plans for this summer were to reread the first three books of the Nikki Heat series so I could read the must recently release of the portuguese translation of Frozen Heat. I’m currently reading Naked Heat and already have some new thought written down. Still, don’t know if I’m going to pick other books up and reading them at the same time because I don’t want to spend to much time rereading instead of using it for shortening my TBR list. In book mater today it’s all but I’m sure I’ll be giving news soon.
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