June Wrap-Up
Another month is over, and my reading slump is still here. I’m trying not to think much about it and just work with it. Reading when I fell like it, don’t when I’m not in the mood, and once again I can’t resist to readathons even though the last ones I’ve failed miserably. If you don’t already know The Booktube-A-Thon, now known as The Reading Rush, happens at the end of July, and I’ve been participating since 2016 when I discovered it. I will participate once again this year and trying to take advantage of the reading sprints to luckily finish more books than I finished this month. Which I believe won’t be too difficult since I managed to read one book!
I read The Sunday Girl by Pip Drysdale for a blog tour (you can read my review here), and probably if it wasn’t for the due date I would probably not finish it either. I completely devour this story from start to finish. It was so thrilling, addictive, and finally my first favourite book of this year!! The story develops around the relationship of the main character with her ex-boyfriend and a revenge plan against him. I highly recommend you read my review before deciding if you want to read this book because I added a trigger/content warning that is recurrent throughout the book.

And just like that, I don’t have any more books to talk about… except the ones I bought! I might not be in the mood to read but I’m sure always ready to go book shopping. And I can’t resist a good bargain when I see one. Most of the books I bought are from the Kindle store because 3$ for a book is a STEAL!!
June started off with three great deals: The Girls at the 17 Swann Street by Yara Zgheid which I’ve heard of before and I never read a book about ballerinas let alone about the struggles they can go through; Descendant of the Crane by Joan He was also on sale and even though its not exactly my genre of preference, I think I still can enjoy it and get sucked in; and finally Freefall by Jessica Bary that I don’t remember exactly why I bought it but I’m sure past me had her reasons to do so. Then completely out of

To finish off the month, I bought two more books, this time physical copies – I dragged my ass outside of the house for a change. The store was having a great discount on cookbooks – can you see the pattern here?? – and so I came home with Everyday Supper Food by Jamie Oliver. I adore is cooking shows, his recipes, his simplistic approach to food, and I wish to own every single one of his cookbooks – I’m on track with 4 books so far.
And since the day I bought the “first book” in the A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin aka A Game of Thrones, I quickly learn that I had to buy the “second book”. And if you notice that I’m using quotation marks that’s because I bought the Portuguese editions and they are a little different from the English ones. Long story short, every book in this series is divided into two volumes (19€ each btw) – talking about a money grabber. When I purchased the first book I had no idea, and the book was so small (400 pages) that I started questioning. Turns out I was right to dough it. For some stupid reason, the publishing company decided it was a good idea to leave out of the book that it was the first volume and was only half of the original book published in English. I understand that it’s easy to have on the cover Book 1, Book 2, Book 3… instead of Book 1 Volume 1, Book 1 Volume 2, and then Book 2 Volume 1, but it misleads the reader. I thought I was buying the first book in the series and after all, it was just half of it.

Little rant aside, I bought the second volume and now I can read both books as one. Although considering how much annotating and how long it takes me to read one chapter, I might finish both books around Christmas time… NEXT YEAR! Oh my goodness it’s taking me
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