May Book Overview
Moving on… being a price drop obviously I wouldn’t be happy with just one book, so I was searching for HOURS for titles I wanted to buy and would have a nice discount, and then I remember. I’ve spotted for a few times Stalker by Lars Kepler and to be honest the title sounds really appealing to me. With a little bit of research, I found out its part of a series but unfortunately, the bookshop didn’t have the first book in stock. Thanks to the so trusty Goodreads community, I discover you can read the second book without the first one. Best news ever! So without thinking twice, I bought The Nightmare – which is funny because it was a nightmare to know which was the Portuguese title.
But wait there is more!! One day my mother came home with four second-hand books for me – I feel as if I’m drowning in books! The Queen of the South by Arturo Pérez-Reverte, I have no clue what it is about but it has a reasonable rating on Goodreads (3.90). Next is Amagansett by Mark Mills – I don’t even know how to pronounce that – and Twisted by Jeffery Deaver. Both books are thrillers so they should be on my summer reading list. And last but not least – because is the one I’m must excite for – is Digital Fortress by Dan Brown. I’m hoping it to be as easy reading as Da Vinci Code and 3 times better in cryptology and solving codes. I even talk to a high school friend because I’m 90% sure this book was mentioned in a class by one of mine classmates and the only thing I can remember is that it includes something digital and codes and that it caught my attention.
As I said in previous posts, I can’t resist to sneak peeks and full first chapters so I recently added more books to my TBR – as if it was in need… First one, Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia. The story sounds a bit similar to Fangirl but what sold me out was the illustrations. I love a good illustration and it feels good to change instead of just having pages and pages with words. Die For You by Amy Fellner Dominy was a surprise when I realise the protagonist was going to spend a whole year in Italy learning more about Archaeology – since a kid I love archaeology! But everything isn’t always piece of cake, so she has to try and decide what to do with her boyfriend. For a more diverse reading material, It’s Not Like It’s a Secret by Misa Sugiura, grab me from the first page and it’s definitely not a secret that I’m full on board for this book.
For the first time, I tried an audiobook. I can’t say I’m a huge fan because I get distracted more easily from the story. Although, one positive aspect is the ability of “reading” while doing other stuff. I spend must of my evenings listening to Girl Online by Zoe Sugg while eating dinner, cleaning the dishes and even preparing myself to go to bed. Being able to do other tasks and listening to a book is the highest point. And I do miss grabbing the book and spread my finger to the pages, seeing the words in front of me. That even was one time when I was starting to look for the book or a video (why?) to SEE what the narrator was just saying. In that moment I felt so stupid and at the same time so happy for how I got really into that world.
While I’m talking about Girl Online, I want to mention I decided to start a “guilty pleasure” list of books. You know the ones that aren’t great – or even bad – but for some reason, the story is so catchy. Like hearing one song where the lyrics don’t even make sense but the sound makes you so happy and immediately want to dance. So this list is going to be a place for books don’t be judge by their quality but for the good feeling they pass to the reader – aka me – and for some reason makes me laugh or smile. Obviously Girl Online gets its place on this list alongside with The Rosewoods: Taking The Reins by Katrina Abbott. If you never heard about The Rosewoods just go to Google Play Books, Itunes or Amazon Kindle and download the first book of the series for free. It’s a free book do you really need to know anything else? I’m here talking but I first read the synopsis before getting it, so let me give you a quick run throw:
The book talks about Brooklyn Prescott when she moves back to the US to attend a prestigious school: The Rosewoods Academy for Academic Excellency – sounds super fancy I know!! Also, this is an all-girls school, so one crucial part of the teenage life is missing: boys. But don’t fear! A few miles away is another school, The Westwood Academy this time just for boys. Better yet, they are allowed to merge both schools from time to time. What this leave?? A bunch of full-with-hormones-teenagers super excited. So the school year is promising with flirt and crushes but it’s also time for Brooklyn to start over and change who she his for a new and confident girl.
As to my currently reading situation, I’m still yet to finish Reading Leonardo’s Swans by Karen Essex. It is taking me more than I was expecting because is so descriptive and history orientated. At the beginning, I was enjoying how the story was going but then it takes a turn and focused more on the historic facts instead of the fictional side. I’m still learning and enjoying some about the Renaissant period and Leonardo Da Vinci but I can’t wait to end this book and jump to another, probably Hollow City but how knows I’ll see where my mood leads to.
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