November TBR
If you haven’t read my October Wrap-Up, you probably don’t know that I’m changing things around here. This is the first time I’m splitting my wrap-up into two posts. My TBR post will not only feature the books I want to read this month, but also the ones I recently found and want to get my hands on.
October was a busy month. Between subscribing to Scribd and the Spookathon I kind of neglected my TBR. I started Snow Flower and The Secret Fan by Lisa See in late September and didn’t touch it during October. The book is so good and interesting that is a shame I didn’t pick it up a single time. From what I read so far, I’m learning a lot about foot binding. I knew it was an ancient Chinese tradition but never knew it was so brutal. It really was awful what women had to go through to become eligible wives. Thankfully, that tradition was abolished at the beginning of the 20th century because of all the deaths it was causing. So far I haven’t got to the secret fan part of the book but I’m excited to.
Another book that I left out and was so excited to pick it up was The Affair by Amanda Broke. I haven’t shut up about how much I want to pick it up, and when the time finally came I read about 10 pages. 10 PAGES! *facepalm* So as you can guess I didn’t make much progress with it, and I still have no idea if it’s a good book or not. Every time I look at it, I want to pick it up, so hopefully, I’ll do it next week.
Ever since I bought The Truth and Other Lies by Sascha Arango, I have it laying on my nightstand. And every day I look at it, I want to read it. I control myself to not pick it up last month since I wanted to take the most out of my free subscription on Scribd. But now there is nothing between me and my babies. Lately, I’ve been more keen into reading shorter books about 200 pages long, and this one fits right into it. Sadly, I don’t have many of those laying around the house to read.
As I say that I’m in the mood for shorter books, I also want to start reading Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, the opposite of short. A few weeks ago, the movie was on the TV, and I wanted to watch it for some reason. I’ve been doing a great job avoiding the movies before reading the books, so I realise that if I want to watch this one I need to read the book now. With some luck, I might finish it before the end of the month, and by then I can watch the movie on the first opportunity I can get.
Caught on my radar
The Spookathon and Halloween got me in the mood for scary and creepy stories. The only thing that was somewhat scary that I’ve read was Frozen Charlotte series by Alex Bell, and it got me thinking. Why don’t I try to read horror novels? I’m very picky when it comes to movies. I love Get Out, Hostel and Purge, but hate and will never see Chucky. Although reading books isn’t the same as watching a movie. We don’t have visual stimulation and the only thing that can creep us out is what we can imagine.
In this note, I want to read more horror and creepy stuff. Universal Harvester by John Darnielle was one that I came across and reminded me of The Ring. What I actually know about that movie is based on the Scary Movie 3 parody, so not much. I think the book has everything to scare me out big time, and then I’ll know if I enjoy reading horror or not. I still need to do more homework in this department to find more horror novels. If you have any recommendations leave them in the comments.
Before I swift from spooky to fluffy cheese romance, I discovered that Marzia Bisognin aka CutiePieMarzia aka girlfriend of PewDiePie released a book. I know a lot of Youtubers did it at some point but never knew she also wrote one. Dream House is about the dream house not to be that dreamy after all. And who doesn’t like when the buildings gain life and want us to trap inside?? *upside down emoji*
Now is time to lighten the mood here. There is nothing better than to read a Rainbow Rowell book. I’ve already said this and will continue to until the last day of my life. I love her work, and I’m on the continuous path to read everything she ever wrote. Landline was one of the first books I came across when I starting searching for her. I was aware of its existence for so long but wasn’t one of the books that I wanted to read right away. Although, recently I discovered it’s actually set during Christmas. I mean, can it get any better? Rainbow Rowell and Christmas! It’s perfect! I would like to read it this year but I still need to buy it, maybe I can sneak a little Book Depository* discount this month, who knows?
I don’t have many reader friends, so everytime a friend tells me about a book that I haven’t heard of I need to know more about it. It is so sad but it is so true. This book was described to me as being about programming and games in the 80s. I immediately thought about Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. I didn’t need to know more to bring out my inner geek and wanting to read this book. I’m talking about The Impossible Fortress by Jason Rekulak. I’ve read the first chapter on Scribd, and I liked it but didn’t have time to commit to it last month. I want to read it so bad and hopefully, I can have another deal on Book Depository when I buy Landline. A girl can dream…
Even though in my mind I want to read every single book I own in November, I know that this will be one of the busiest months of the year. And as I’m here planning on reading 4 books, I’ll be happy if I read one of them.
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