October + Spookathon TBR
Today is the first day of October, and you know what the means?? No? Me neither, until three days ago! Did you ever heard about something called the Blogtober?? I sure didn’t! And when everyone started talking about it over on Twitter, I felt like a fish out of water. Like something all the cool kids knew, and I was being felt out. So basically, Blogtober is a challenge where you post every single day of the month. I don’t have anything planned, so wanting to post every day is completely irrealistic. Instead, I rather post two times a week, which is already double the work.
To kick things off, I’m sharing my October or perhaps my Fall TBR because this list is way too ambitious. First of all, I need to finish the books that I have on my nightstand, that is my top priority. Which means I have to finish The 100: 21 Days by Kass Morgan, I’m loving it a lot; Christmas in Winter Hill by Melody Carlson, I have under an hour left on the audiobook; and One Child by Torey Hayden, probably the only one that can take me the entire month to read. I plan to finish all these books before the Spookathon starts, but I don’t know how that is going to turn out.

I’ve been participating in this readathon every year, and this time, it won’t be different. It runs from 14th to the 20th of October falling exactly on my birthday week, which has been proved to be a difficult time for me to squeeze in a few chapters. If you want to know more about the Spookathon, you can watch this video of BooksandLala that will explain everything. You can also follow the readathon on Twitter and search for everyone’s TBRs for recommendations. The readathon runs for an entire week, and has 5 props you can follow if you want:
- Read a thriller
- Read a book with red on the cover
For both of these challenges, I’m going to read Friend Request by Laura Marshall. I have this book on my TBR for a while, and I was waiting for an excuse to pick it up over anything else.
- Read a book with a spooky word
I have no idea what book to read for this challenge. None of my books has spooky words that I haven’t read yet. I know that this month I’ll go book shopping, and maybe I’ll pick something up specifically to fulfil this challenge.
- Read a book in a spooky setting
I’ve meant to read And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie in the past and wasn’t successful. Maybe third time is the charm, and can you think of anywhere more spooky than an isolated island mansion where everyone is going to die??
- Read a book you wouldn’t normally read
I was torn between a Portuguese author or a book based on a real story since I usually don’t gravitate towards those kinds of books. Although, I also don’t usually read fantasy and Carry On by Rainbow Rowell falls right into the genre.

For the rest of the month, I still need to read Don’t Get Involved by F. J. Curlew since I’m taking part on the blog tour, – you can expect that post later in the month – and I might also read a couple of comics. At the beginning of the year, I went on a comic book shopping day, and I still have The Beauty by Jeremy Haun and Skyward by Joe Henderson to read since then. Comic books are great to fulfil the Goodreads reading goal and they don’t take much time to finish. Although both stories aren’t very autumnal, so I might pick up The Affair by Amanda Broke, The Wisdom of Sally Red Shoes by Ruth Hogan, or The Astonishing Colour of After by Emily X. R. Pan. None of these books is about or set during autumn, but I fill the type of story is perfect to read by the window with a cup of tea. I’m also expecting a lot of tears, but that’s why you wrap yourself in a blanket, right?

Luckily, I’m finally out of my reading slump, and I’m in an amazing reading mood. I probably won’t be able to finish all these books that is why I might extend this TBR until the next month, but right now, I want to nail this. I want the Spookathon to be a success, I want to finish every book that I’ve started, and be halfway through a new one. As usual, I’ll update you on my progress by the end of the month. Keep your fingers crosses that I can read it all!!
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