Story Time: Most heartbreaking moment in The Sims 3
This story took place about 7 years ago when I decided to change the way I used to play The Sims. For a long time, I used cheats like most people. It makes the game easier especially if you want to buy a big modern house for your sims, although I felt it was taking the challenge of the game. My Sims no longer had to work hard and grow in the career to be rich I just had to type motherlode a couple of time and the problem was solved. So I decided to stop using cheats. Still today I only use cheats to build and never to get money.
My next decision was about how much I should commit to a family. I love The Sims 3 but I had to be in the mood for it. I can spend weeks after weeks thinking about playing non-stop and then getting tired and stop playing for months. Usually, when I come back after a long break, I don’t grab one of the families I’ve already started playing with, instead I create a new one. This way, I end up with multiple games that don’t get past the second generation. So one day, I wake up determined to change that. I committed to a family and was one of my favourite gameplay. I used this house (image below) to start my family and I’m happy to tell you I managed to grow the building to the sides and even upstairs. I was going into the third generation with a full house – 8 sims – the first generation was already dead and hunting the house, and I was willing to make more babies.

After this, I can’t remember what happened. I don’t know why I stopped playing and I no longer have the game files, which leaves me really sad. Although, I had such a great time I was decided to do it again. So I created a couple – usually how I start my games – got them a cheap house and started having kids. If I’m not mistaken, the mother gave birth to three babies. It has been too long so I can’t remember the names, so I’m going to call John the older brother and twin of Sylvia, the only girl. The younger son was Brandon, average grades, neat, and the one that was about to save this family from disgrace.
Either if we like to admit it or not, everyone has a favourite child. It might change over time, but usually, there is one Sim that stole our heart and we want only the best for him. With this family my favourite child was John. He was a sweetheart, always helping around the house, was handy, a great student, so he had a bright future in from of him. He was going to become a writer and get to the top of his career, marry the most beautiful girl in town, and move out for a great house. Despite all, Sylvia also had her story it just wasn’t a priority. She wasn’t a bad person, but the family cat only hated her and I never figured out why. Also, she was hoping to become a great horse rider which made her animal friend. Another reason why I don’t understand why the cat hated her. Lastly, Brandon was nice but I can’t really remember much else he was doing.

On a sunny day like any other, tragedy was domed to happen in that house. My precious little boy, John, was already a young adult and was starting to build his career. Out of the sudden the TV broke and be him the handiest of the house, he went to the living room to fix it. You probably can already guess what happened. There were an electric shock and John didn’t survive. I’m not stupid and I don’t like to put the life of my sims on the line, so I’m 100% sure there was no water on the floor. He was electrocuted and instead of came out with the hair up and burned clothes, he just died. He was my baby, my dreams and my hopes and he just died. What was I supposed to do next? He was my favourite, the one I wanted to keep playing and thanks to the game he was dead.
This was the most heart broking moment I ever had in the sims. There was only one thing left to do, get one of the siblings (Brandon) high enough into the science career for a chance to revive John. Most of the people would go to the last save and play again like if nothing happened although that way I would be cheating. I had to embrace the tragedy and try to reverse it in the game. But after John’s death, the game wasn’t the same. Also, it had a glitch with Sylvia that was just annoying. When she was still a teenager she went outside of the house while grounded and kept that crispy walk even to adulthood. Then I just stopped playing. The story wasn’t going how I wanted anymore so I just quit. I wish I had kept the game files. I would love to revisit this family again and luckily bring John back to life.
Until today this was the most unpredictable thing that ever happened to me in the sims. Now I think its so funny even though the player can control the characters and their lives, things like this can still happen and ruin the story. Pretty much like life itself.
If you have any story – crazy, sad or happy – while playing the Sims I would love to know. Let’s get a bit nerdy and have a great time remembering stories from the sims in the comments.
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