Wishes for 2017
Happy New Year!!
Another year has started and has a tradition people from all around the world set up a list of wishes and promises to realise in 2017. January is a month where everyone is packed doing thousands of stuff to fulfil the New Years resolutions. Drinking more water, stop smoking, workout more… and the list goes on and on. I’ll be honest with you I don’t care much about new year resolutions because I don’t stick to them – or don’t even remember what I wanted – I prefer to create resolutions all year long. So if I want to start doing something I don’t wait until Monday (the beginning of the week) to do it I’ll start on the same day. I rather have a system where I don’t leave anything I want to do or start doing for tomorrow, instead, I start today. If a new idea comes up to my mind I’ll grab it and work on it. Because if I don’t do it when I’m excited about it I’m going to lose interest on it and probably I won’t be looking forward the next time I have to do it.
Even though, all the thing I said I still think of a few I want to accomplish this year. All of this resolutions were already in my mind in 2016 but for some reason, I didn’t work on them yet.
Getting organised
I start using the Google Calendar last year in September and it actually paid off. I managed to coordinate my academic life with the blog and it didn’t work out perfectly but I’m pretty satisfied with the result. Although keeping a digital agenda can be really handy – I can sync with my phone and have my schedule anywhere I go – there are a few features it doesn’t have and I’m starting to feel a huge need, for example, sticky notes, a quick reminder, something that I want to remember but it doesn’t have a proper schedule for it. So I want to have a physical agenda or a bullet journal where I can write down what I need to do each day without giving it a schedule – basically a to-do list.
Start workout again
Last year I woke up early to do a quick workout 3 times a week and I felt good about myself and I’ve been trying to get that schedule back again and try to keep it all year long.
Eat more healthy
This is something I’m trying in the past 2 years and although I’m not unhappy with my progress I believe I still have a lot to improve. For now, I want to cut more the sugar in my life especially in those products already made (like jams, natural juices…) that despite the natural sugar from the ingredients the companies add more to be sweeter. Don’t worry I’m not going to cut the chocolate out of my life!
Read 1 more book than last year
We need to be realistic, I want to read more and instead of wishing to read 30 books throughout the year I rather read one more than last year. It is supposed to be an easy resolution and at the same time an improvement, I’ll feel that not only read as many books as the year before I also manage to read one more.
Creating a reading journal
This year I’m all about the journals! As my passion for books is starting to take off I want a place where I can write down my thoughts while I’m reading the book. I start to do it for the reviews here on the blog but there were so many thought I couldn’t share because of the spoilers and others were just guesses to what would happen next. One day I was looking at them and thought I could storage them in a journal and later when I would read the book again I could remember what I felt when I read the book for the first time.
Keep a schedule for the blog
I’ve been trying to stick to this since last year and I want to keep it this year as well. Only 3 blog posts a week – Monday, Wednesday and Friday – and accomplish it week after week and hopefully keep it going throughout the summer – the deadliest season for me.
Use more my social media
I’ve already said my Instagram is a shame, although is one of my favourite social media I don’t publish as much as I want to and that needs to change. With the help of my new bullet journal I wish to publish new photos at least one time every week.
Increase the traffic on the blog
This is a bit out of my hand, I can’t control what others search for or read but I can take a few steps to get more visibility and that what I’m looking for this year. I started using the Bloglovin because this community is big and soon I’ll be part of The Bloggers Programme. Also, I am going to try and take a few minutes of my day to read and comments in other blogs, this is something I don’t do often and I know it gives more visibility to the blog.
Those are my resolutions for this year, what are yours?? Do you usually stick to them??
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