October Book Overview
Noooo!! It’s already the end of October and I haven’t managed to buy any books from Book Depository. I just want to cry. Let me explain. My initial plan was to order around 6 books from Book Depository. Since they are so cheap I can easily buy the double of the books with the same amount of money I would spend in my local store. Books in Portugal are expensive and just to give you an idea, usually, hardbacks on Book Depository are about 15€ and I pay on any store about 17€ for a paperback!! It’s crazy! So I was thinking about getting a few books with some sweet promotions that I’ve meant to pick up ages ago. And then later, in November, do a special Christmas shopping. Although I’ve been going to my bank for weeks and I’m still not able to order anything online. So since today is the last day of October, I better do my Christmas order once I manage to. So my HUGE October haul has to be saved for next month.
I had my birthday in the middle of the month and I treated myself with some comics!! So excited!! I was looking to get only the first volume of Saga by Brian K. Vaughan but since the comic book store didn’t have it, I bought all the numbers they had at the moment. SO now I’m the proud owner of four volumes of Saga, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th. I’ve already read every issue that has come out until now, so I’m not bothered I don’t have the first volume. I’ll get it another time.

Then my mother offered me with a book I’ve been so excited for. Origin, the latest book by Dan Brown that continues the story of Robert Langdon. Of the entire series, I’ve only read the Da Vinci Code – the second novel – but I loved everything about it. The plot, the writing style and the little details that make you go looking at what he’s talking about. The Last Supper is a great example, did you realised the V in the middle of the painting? I surely didn’t until I read the book. And that’s why Dan’s books are so interesting, he researches for hours and hours and is totally worth it. Although what sold me this book was the setting. The books start at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao and as an architecture student, I was thrilled to be able to read Dan description when Langdon visits the building. Although I have no idea what the mystery is going to be, if it has something to do with Barcelona I’m sure is going to be amazing.
October was also a spot on reading month for me. After the letdown, September was, I needed a comeback. Although I was still pretty much obsessed with Manga and graphic novels. I finished reading Bambi to Dhole and Saga and started reading Namaikizakari and it already won a spot on my favourites list. The couple is so sweet I can’t avoid smiling from ear to ear when reading it. But then came the readathons and I had to leave the graphic novels aside and focus on the real novels.
First, was the 24 hours by Zöe Herdt where I read-ish The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking. You can read all about it in this post. Long story short, I never felt so cosy and happy in my life just by reading. Since Hygge is the reason for the Danish to be one of the happiest people in the world, I discover that other north European countries have similar traditions. So I want to discover and absorb as much as I can. The next on my list is Sweden. Have you ever heard about Lagom? No? Me neither, but I’m hoping to change that over the next few months.
Up next was the Spookathon. I read the Frozen Charlotte by Alex Bell and A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness raising up my 2017 reading challenge for 40 books read from my 20 books goal. Which also lead to adding another book to my TBR Charlotte Says, the prequel for Frozen Charlotte. Again I have an entire blog post dedicated to it and also a book review and another one coming very soon. Also, I’ve just finished The Shining by Stephen King as a Halloween reading. It only has 430 pages and I spent the entire month to finish it. It’s true I stopped a few times but I can’t imagine how much it will take me to read It. But I leave that for next year.
If you want to find new books, the giveaway section of Goodreads is the best. You can have the change to win free copies and also discover new authors and new books. Grand Theft Octo by Neil Sanders is probably the funniest title I ever heard of especially since it reminds me the game Grand Theft Auto. So I’m expecting some similarities, laughing a lot, and also nothing to do with the game at all. So I’m expecting to be pleasantly surprised. Next is Copy Cat by Alex Lake. It sounds modern and creepy as hell. Discovering a Facebook profile exactly the same as yours should be so freaky.
Before closing the social media door, I have another book that caught my eye, Friend Request by Laura Marshall. What would you do if you received a friend request from a dead woman? I probably would delete my Facebook account and never ever get close to the internet again. I know it’s sound exaggerated but nothing good will come from that. For a detox reading, after all the Halloween madness nothing like a cute little teenagers romance. When It’s Real by Erin Watt sounds perfect for the part. It may be like any other teen pop-star meets ordinary girl but it doesn’t mean it won’t be good and cute.
One last minute addition, I’ve been seeing the cover for Otherworld everywhere and despite sounding great, I didn’t give much attention. The same way I didn’t realise who the author was Jason Segel! I didn’t know he was also an author. What a revelation! Now I have to read this book as well. It hasn’t read any book that takes place inside a virtual world and it should be interesting.
For November, I need to grab The Nightmare by Lars Keppler, 1983 by George Orwell and must importantly Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie. The movie is coming out on November 9th, here in Portugal and I want to read the book until then. This one is my top priority. The others are just to read along the month. Although I want to try and read at least a book a week which would make me pick up more titles from my TBR shelf. Bottom line what matters is to keep reading either if it’s manga, comic books or novels.
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