12 Books Till Christmas
Reading Challenge: Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu Total pages read: 152/152 ✔
1st December
Well, today was the busiest day of the year. I left home to go shopping at 9 a.m. Came back to edit, end any detail I had to do to be able to publish the first post of December and to “decorate” the blog. Oh… and decorate my own house. My plans to read the entire book on the first-day went flushing down the toilet. I spend about 1 hour and 30 minutes all thanks to the evenings. If I haven’t started in the first hours of the day, I would be much more worried to complete this challenge.
Pages Read: 61
2nd December
Just my luck! Every time I try to set a goal the universe is like “Nope!”. Today was hard. For moments, I really thought I was going to fail in my first book. And it isn’t one of the biggest! I wasn’t feeling well and spend most of the day in bed. Later in the afternoon, when I was better and filled with energy to finish the book, Zoella published the first vlogmas of the year. I’m sorry but I couldn’t wait. I stopped everything I was doing to watch it. It’s like one of those things that it can wait but you just don’t want to. Although I was 50 pages away from accomplishing my goal and no plans for the rest of the day. Unless I was really lazy, I was going to finish the book with time to spare. And I did.
After reading for 3 (not-so-straight) hours I finished Carmilla and gave it 4 stars. I did a small review on Goodreads if you want to read it. Basically, I found this book refreshing and way from all the Twilight clichè. It takes a different approach to vampires from what I’ve ever read or heard of. The book is told through letters and I think it helps to create the Victorian environment. It isn’t the best vampire story, but it’s one that I’m glad I read.
Since the day isn’t over, I’m going to pick up next We Were Liars by E. Lockhart.
Pages read: 91
Reading Challenge: We Were Liars by E. Lockhart Total pages read: 310/310 ✔
Update: You can find the review of this book here.
3rd December
I started to read We Were Liars last night and even though, I didn’t make a huge progress, I realized I can read this book quicker than the speed of light. It’s written in such unique way that you can easily finish it up in one sitting. So I’ve been a little cocky and taking this task lightly. I’m all sure that reading this book in time is a piece of cake, but the truth is that tomorrow, I’ll be the entire afternoon away and if I don’t catch up this can be the first book I fail.
After spending almost 4 hours reading this gem, I got more than halfway done. Things are happening and I can’t explain why. I have no clue about what is reserved for the end and I don’t know if I want to find out. I’m still surprised how quick and, at the same time, how slow this book is. You can read for 15 minutes thinking you have been reading for 1 hour. So much happens on just one page it feels as if you read 10. It’s a really good book and I can’t wait to finish it.
Pages Read: 184
4th December
I spend my morning reading this baby although I had to leave my at 38 pages from the end. 38! So close and thank God I didn’t get any forward or else I would have to take the book with me and ignore my mother until I was done. It was soooooo good. I mean really, really, really, really, really, really good. UAU! Great story! The hype is 100%, actually is 200% justified. UAU! I desperately need a friend who has read this book to talk about it. Oh, men! I’m not going to spoil anything here since this book is to precious to be ruined by a stupid spoiler. If you haven’t read it just do it. And if you had please leave your thoughts for my book review of message me on Goodreads or anywhere else, actually. This is for sure a 5 stars book and one of my favourites of the year. I’m still disappointed that it doesn’t have a movie yet since this story would be great on the big screen.
Since this updates are posted at 10 p.m. I still have a couple of hours to progress to the next: The List by Joanna Bolouri. This is the first real challenge I’m going to face. 391 pages and a not-so-big font will take me more than We Were Liars and since it, due to the 6th, I better start it now.
Pages Read: 126
Reading Challenge: The List by Joanna Bolouri Total pages read: 400/400 ✔
Update: You can find the review of this book here.
5th December
As planned last night I started reading The List. I didn’t fully realise what this book was actually about, but it actually doesn’t bother me at all. So far I’m loving Phoebe, the main character, and this book sounds like a big journey. As I thought, it’s not as fast past as We Were Liars, but is funny and hard to put down. The book is told in diary form so instead of having chapters you have days, this reminds me of Piper Perish by Kayla Cagan, actually. I still have to buy that book since the story sounds so nice and it surrounds an artistic main character that I love.
I was reading until 2 in the morning when American Pie 2 started on TV. I had to watch it and it couldn’t be in more appropriate time. I think if you enjoy the type of humour and all the sex-related talk in the movie series you will like this book. It’s funny and not cringy at all.
This morning I was starting to get hooked on it again and since I have today’s post to edit (you can find it here) I had to redefine my priorities. Oh boy, I just want to jump back in Phoebe story and see what she is up to this time.
Pages Read: 277
6th December
I ended up reading again until 2 am because I don’t want to put down this book. The story is so captivating, immersive and real that you just want to keep reading. Although I could easily stay up all night and finish it, but sleeping is also important.
It’s halfway through the afternoon and I’ve already finished reading The List and write down my thought for later do a review. If on the last post I said I found one of my favourite books this is the number two. I can’t believe how realistic this book was. It really was a crazy ride and I’m so glad I pick this up. You get so caught up in the story that it feels like you’ve been reading for days or even weeks. And when I think back on Carmilla, it looks like I read it last month. This is the downside of doing a big readathon and why after reading Allegiant I didn’t want any series for a while. I’m binge-reading books, one after the other, literally. It’s great putting reading as my priority for a change and if I’m enjoying the book I don’t want to put it down anyway, although this makes me forget them more easily.
I was this excited after finishing a book 2 days ago with We Were Liars as if you couldn’t tell, but now I don’t even think about it for a second. I almost forgot everything I’ve read – I mean not everything – like if I’ve read it two months ago. I still remember the big parts but all the excitement and mindblowing is long gone. I didn’t let that book sit and stay for too long in my head which made me lose some bits of information to my subconscious. Only if I start slowly thinking about it is when I start to remember. Now I’m feeling sad because I’ll be picking up an Agatha Christie story and the same thing will happen with The List. I don’t want to throw this book to the back of my head and only remember it when hearing about Bridget Jones. If you read it you’ll understand.
Pages Read: 123
Reading Challenge: They Do It With Mirrors by Agatha Christie Total pages read: 188/188 ✔
7th December
Today was the worst! I think I was a bit hungover from The List and wasn’t feeling to pick up the next book. Only read for like an hour and a half and then realised that They Do It With Mirrors was my least favourite story from Miss Marple series. Why?! This only makes me want to crawl back to my reading slump. I mean, Agatha Christie wrote so many stories and yet I had to pick up one of which I don’t like. Since the first time I saw the episode from the ITV series I wasn’t a big fan. Later, I watched again because I couldn’t remember much of the story and I still didn’t like it. At the third time, I wasn’t understanding why I was doing that to myself so I just tried for once and for all get in my head who was the killer. I actually never understood why but I never cared enough to try and find out. Now I just want to know if I still remember who the killer is.
Pages Read: 46
8th December
I made it, I read the whole thing. For such small book, I underestimated the challenge it was. My opinion still stands and I don’t like this story. As I was reading I was getting some flashbacks from the TV series and acknowledging other parts where it was different. Can’t say it was nice to remember. For instants, I thought in DNFing this book and pick something else instead, although I didn’t want to leave this book unfinished and if I wasn’t going to read it now I probably never would.
A curious fact I was noticing was the difference between this story and Murder On the Orient Express. I don’t know if it was influenced by my lack of interest in the story or if in fact is written differently. If it’s, in fact, different I’ve learned I prefer the Poirot series which I never thought I would. I still have another story from Miss Marple to read during this readathon which should help me clear my mind.
Since tomorrow is the ReadbyZoe Readathon Holiday Edition (which I completely forgot for moments) I’m going to attempt and read the entire Jenny Colgan’s book and also a Mary Higgins Clark’s short story. I wanted to pick something Christmassy without temper with my own readathon. Who knows maybe I end up reading 13 books instead of 12.
Pages Read: 142
Reading Challenge: Welcome to Rosie Hopkins’ Sweet Shop of Dreams by Jenny Colgan Total pages read: 190/468 ✖
9th December
Woody Allen once said “If you want to make God Laugh tell him about your plans” which is the perfect descriptions of my life. Actually, it should be on my bio “never goes as planned”. I can’t get a break and that’s why I usually don’t make them or at least don’t tell Him. I was looking forward to challenging myself as never before and read a 500 pages book in one day. For some people, it doesn’t seem like a lot but for me it is. So I delayed starting reading this book early for this purpose. Why did I have to have this crazy idea? Why do I keep trying these things when the universe is clearly “Nope! Not today!”
Ah! And what about that idea of not only reading an entire book but also a short story. Oh, please don’t make me laugh! Sometimes my brain is so funny. I couldn’t even read half of the book neverminding the short story. I never took it out of the shelf. Oh well, now that the mess is done let’s just hope I can catch up tomorrow. Probably not!
Pages Read: 91
10th December
This weekend has been a total challenge. For a change, the TV was broadcasting good movies and I couldn’t resist. We are in the 21st century but I still prefer watching the programs at the time they are being aired. So I faced a real dilemma. Reading or TV. At first, I tried to combine both, but it doesn’t work. I had a due date for the book so I should put it as my priority although forcing myself to read I was going to lose interest in the book. So I faced the truth and face that I wasn’t going to finish this book until the end of the day.
Despite my disappointment, I can’t be mad at myself for long. I’m reading and I’m enjoying it so much. Yes, I’m sad I failed the deadline but at the same time, it means I can take a little more time with it, which I’m very glad. Welcome to Rosie Hopkins’ Sweet Shop of Dreams it’s a great surprise. I wasn’t expecting at all a story like this. The whole book tastes like a hard candy that you slowly savour and smile every time you feel that sweet flavour. Jenny Colgan recommends getting a bag of sweets while reading the book and I can’t agree more. For my biggest surprise, part of the story is set in the 40’s and I love a good old days tale.
The writing style is also different from any other English book I ever read, and I’m looking forward to studying this book later. I actually have so much to learn from this, that for sure I’m going to reread it next year. Also, that way I can refresh my memory for reading the second book for the next Christmas.
Pages Read: 99
Reading Challenge: The Mirror Crack’d From Side to Side by Agatha Christie Total pages read: 32/251 ✖
11th December
After been reading for almost two weeks straight is starting to make the first victims. First was Welcome To Rosie Hopkins’ Sweet Shop of Dreams and my 12 Crafty Days are starting to make me a hostage, so I didn’t read anything today. This also included the Miss Marple story. I want to be reading but at the same time, I have other things to do. Since the beginning of the month, I’ve read a total of 1240 pages and it’s more than I usually read per month. Even if I called off the readathon at this point I would still be pleased with myself for how much I’ve read. Not going to do it though. I still want to get to the Christmassy books. Maybe tomorrow I can focus on the book and finish it in time. I don’t want to leave another book unfinished. I already have Jenny’s book to read, I don’t want to keep collecting books to finish until the 24th.
Pages Read: 22
12th December
Change of plans! In my mind, I kept this possibility open for changing my TBR at any time. I tried to avoid it but I think is for the best. This morning I was minding my own business reading The Mirror Crack’d From Side to Side when I realized it was 250 pages long. If I tried to read it quickly and focus on it I probably could, but do I really want to do it? I was actually enjoying much more this story otherwise the previous one (They Do It With Mirrors) and then I started to think if I wanted to speed up while reading this book or actually take my time and enjoy it. My point with this readathon is not just to say I read 12 books is to enjoy those books and read more than I usually do. If I wasn’t doing this readathon first half of this books wouldn’t be in my TBR and I would miss out on great stories – I’m thinking of you The List – and second, the books that I already owned would still sit on my shelf for an eternity without being read. So is a double winning, clear out my TBR pile and read new and exciting stories.
Then I make a decision I would stop reading The Mirror Crak’d From Side to Side for now, probably not pick it up for the rest of the readathon and change it for the novella I was going to read on Saturday, Silent Night by Mary Higgins Clark. The story is 91 pages long which should be a piece of cake and is set at Christmas time which goes a long way with the theme.
Novellas are great, especially if they are mysteries. Everything is happening all at once and you don’t get those down moments of character building, it’s just the crime. Although it doesn’t mean you don’t get to know the characters, you just know what is essential for the story. A few months back, I came across with this lady, Mary Higgins Clark, and was interested in reading any of her books. The woman has 51 published novels and they are all New York Times Bestsellers, not everyone can be wrong about her work. She must have something that captivates the readers and I don’t know what, only that she got me. I still own another novella from her that I plan to pick up maybe at the beginning of the next year.
Pages Read: 101
Reading Challenge: Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them: Original Screenplay by J.K. Rowling Total pages read: 317/293 ✔
13th December
To start off the day in the best way possible, I rewatch Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them to refresh my memory before reading the screenplay. So I sat down in front of the tv, finishing off the post for today (you can find it here) and delighting myself with Newt Scamander and the mating ritual.
Today has been crazy! With all the rush to be able to publish the post, I only managed to read 56 pages before dinner. You know it’s one of those days so tiering you just wish it to be over. I’m starting to think for next year to skip this madness of daily posting. Hopefully, tomorrow will be more chilled and everything works out well. The book is so easy to read that it takes probably the same amount of time as seeing the movie.
Pages Read: 56
14th December
Well, today was for sure more relaxed. I had time to do a not-so-little tiramisu, get ahead of myself on tomorrow’s post, finishing the book and finally grabbing Welcome to Rosie Hopkins’ Sweet Shop of Dreams again. I was planning on reading a few pages every day, but this week has been chaotic. Thankfully today that changed.
I only gave the book 4 stars on Goodreads since I was expecting it to be more detailed. The descriptions of the camera moving were good but when it comes to the characters I was expecting more details, especially on their emotions since is the only thing that can be tricky to show. Although it opened my eyes to things that at first I might not catch in the movie which I think is funny. Also, it makes you pay attention how the scenes are filmed. I’m 100% sure I would prefer for this to be an actual book instead of a screenplay just to have more information. I didn’t learn anything that it might miss on the movie which proves it was well done.
The second instalment already has the release set for November 16th, 2018, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. Revisiting the movie and the book got me really inspired by making some fanart. I think it would be funny to plan and do it in time to celebrate the released of the second movie. I have almost an entire year to plan this so, why not?
Pages Read: 261
Reading Challenge: Almost Midnight by Rainbow Rowell Total pages read: 164/144 ✔
15th December
I’m still loling pretty hard right now. The end of Kindred Spirits was great. It was genius!! And it was the most appropriate reading of the week since another Star Wars movie just came out. This is the only Rainbow Rowell book I’ve read since Fangirl and I’ve missed her. I’ve missed her writing and how she could make me smile, laugh and have all the feelings. I’m also been facing a huge dilemma about buying Carry On or not. I’m not the biggest fan of fantasy and I’m afraid to buy it and then end up not liking it at all. Although, one thing just started to convince me “Simon Snow is the worst chosen one who’s ever been chosen”. This is the first line of the synopsis and if the book is going to be funny I’m up for that, I don’t care if it’s fantasy or not if it makes me laugh I know I’m going to enjoy myself.
I have to take a moment to talk about the cover. The book is small but the cover is beautiful. It’s festive, shiny and all the glitter looks amazing and it doesn’t go everywhere. Usually, everything that has glitter leaves marks wherever it goes but not this book. Oh no, this one you can touch it, rub it that none of the glitters will come out. And this, ladies and gents, is a cover well done. I can’t stop looking at it and touching it, but even better are the illustrations. It’s the cutest thing ever! My favourite is when Gabe and Elena are sitting in the theatre with the movie about to start. The expressions are great and you can really see all the excitement on their faces exactly how a real fan would be for the premiere a Star Wars movie. For me, Simini Blocker does the best illustrations when it comes to Rainbow stories. I’m really fussy about fan art but Simini just got my heart.
Pages Read: 144
16th December
At first, I was planning to use today to read more of Welcome to Rosie Hopkins’ Sweet Shop of Dreams, but I also have to do some Christmas shopping so I’m probably not going to read much. I’m almost halfway and I need to go buy a bag of sweets to eat while reading. I need to get the full experience. I’m also going to a music show tonight so if I’m going to read anything is going to be before. Maybe just a chapter or two.
Pages Read: 20
Reading Challenge: Dash & Lily’s Book of Dares by David Levithan, Rachel Cohn Total pages read: 314/314 ✔
Update: You can find the review of this book here.
17th December
After one day break from reading I kind of wasn’t too excited to pick up Dash and Lily’s Book of Dares. Not that I wasn’t interested in the story, it was one of my most anticipated of this readathon. Although, I wouldn’t be sad to call it off at this point. I’ve read already so much that this is already a win for me.
From the first moment, I grab this book I couldn’t put it down. At some points, I had to stop reading to laugh, not smiling laugh. I was expecting Dash and Lily to be in their 20s don’t ask me why, but being teenagers isn’t a turn off at all. It makes the story more pure and cute. Things go by so fast then I was expecting. The dares and the texting back and forward happen really fast. While the getting to know the characters is what fill in the gaps and makes it a slow read. It’s strange. It’s fast and slow at the same time. I fell like the story is evolving too quickly between them but at the same time very slow. Ahh, my brain hurts!
I didn’t want to finish the day without reach at least until halfway. At that point, the story had already picked up real-time and should leave me on a little cliffhanger. I want to devour the story tomorrow!
Pages Read: 138
18th December
Thanks to the lack of a new The Librarians episode this morning – I’ve just finished season 3 and I’m waiting for the released of the 4th in the 25th of December (in Portugal) – I actually spend part of my morning reading the adventures of Lily. Let’s be honest Lily has more adventures than Dash.
While I was eating my lunch I took the opportunity not to read, since it’s hard with only one hand and I don’t own a Page Anchor (which is on the top of my list for handy things to buy). Instead, I downloaded Episode! and play it a little. I know this isn’t a new game, but suddenly I’m seeing so many publicity about it so I decided to give it a try for a few minutes. That thing is actually addictive! It’s like reading a Wattpad story but animated. You have stories for every taste and the fact that you play chapter by chapter keeps you coming for more. Maybe it also should count as pages read.
I thought after passing the 170 pages I was going to finish the book real fast. Although, it took me more than I was expecting. It was part of the morning and almost the entire afternoon to finish it. It really was a slow reading, even though, I’m glad it was. I love how they took their time to meet and later to connect face to face. I love how even when we were close to the end, there was still space to getting to know even more the characters. I was a fan of Dash and of Lily from the beginning but both of them together I’m even more. I’m so glad there is another book about them both. It will be late for me to grab it since Christmas is in 6 days and I don’t know if I can hold it until next year. Possibly is going to be my first Book Depository order of the new year.
Pages Read: 176
Reading Challenge: Winter Town by Stephen Emond Total pages read: 133/331 ✔
19th December
Take 2 of Christmas shopping. You know when you are on one of those days where you don’t feel like buying stuff so nothing is appealing to you? Well, that was me last week. Got out to try and buy a present for my mother and got nothing. Although today, I had to go buy a present for a last-minute Secret Santa dinner for tomorrow and got to get back home with not only a present for my mother, but also for my cat and dog. Your little furry, four-legged friends also need some treats at this time of the year.
With a morning lost on shopping and an afternoon filled with writing Christmas posts, I haven’t picked up the book. After dinner, I read for an hour or maybe less since I’m not in the mood to read. I just want to lay down and go to sleep. It was a long day.
Pages Read: 31
20th December
This is really bugging me. I don’t feel that I’m in a mood to read this book or any other in fact. I can’t concentrate on the story and it’s starting to annoying me since half of the book is just drawings. I’m enjoying the artwork and how it relates to the story, but I’m not 100% invested in the book which is a shame. I don’t want to force myself to read just because my goal was to finish it today, that would be unfair. I can get a bad idea from it if I’m forced to read, like the required reads in school.
I’ve made some progress but I have to get ready for my Secret Santa dinner I don’t know at what time I’ll be home but if it’s soon I’m going to try and read the rest before going to sleep, even if it passes midnight and counts on the other day. I already have one book yet to finish, so I can’t start accumulating them, or else I’m not going to read 12 books until the 24th.
Pages Read: 102
Reading Challenge: Winter Wonderland by Belinda Jones Total pages read: 283/297 ✔
21st December
I’m so glad to have finished all my DIYs for the month. I love to craft, but I was in need of a break and to spend all my time reading. Although, I haven’t picked up the book I was supposed to be reading. I don’t want to left Winter Town unfinished, and while I’m in the mood for it, I better read it.
I can’t get enough of the artwork. It’s such a nice sketchy style I could spend all day just looking at it. On the other hand, the story was nice, but not what I was expecting. It’s a love story between two childhood friends that without realising help each other to grow. Both came from different pasts and have to deal with different challenges. There wasn’t any fluffy or cuteness to the romance which makes it real. I ended up relating to the male main character more then I was expecting, which is a first time for me.
Before going to sleep, I still manage to read 25 pages of Winter Wonderland. It’s so strange to switch from one story to another when the characters, setting, and writing is so different. I’m probably not going to be able to read the whole thing by tomorrow, though.
Pages Read: 223
22nd December
Today has been a crazy day. Christmas is just right around the corner and I’m starting to fell all the urge to get everything ready for the evening. For some reason, my brain is stuck with the idea that 25th in on Sunday, so by tomorrow it’s Christmas Eve. I’ve been forgetting one day that is crucial for me to finish all the books in time. As I predicted, I couldn’t finish Winter Wonderland. At this point, I can only see the goal of finishing 12 books, I don’t even care if I read them on the due dates anymore.
We are getting so close to Christmas, that’s unreal. These last few days have passed by so quickly I didn’t have the time to acknowledge them. This is the second to last book of this readathon and I couldn’t be more happy with all the books I read so far. Not every single one of them was great – yes I’m looking at you They Do It with Mirrors – but overall, it gave me room to discover new authors, get lost in amazing worlds, and found new favourites. Despite the pressure I put on myself in to read all these books, it allows me to choose reading over other entertainment activities. I spend much more time reading than I would on a normal day. Now I just have to keep the rhythm and balance it with the rest of my life.
Pages Read: 60
Reading Challenge: A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens Total pages read: 339/126 ✖
23rd December
We are so close to Christmas, it’s unbelievable. Also, this means I only have two days to finish 3 books. How am I going to manage that? Oh well, one day at a time. I’ve been reading the entire day and using every break from cooking to get as much done as I can. From one hand, I would want to just keep reading to accomplish my goal, but Christmas is just once a year and I don’t want to leave my mother alone in the kitchen. So as far as I keep organized everything is possible. Later today, I have to go out for a birthday dinner so until then I have to read as much as I can.
Since A Christmas Carol, it’s a small book I decided to left it for tomorrow. I’m sure I can easily finish after dinner while making time for the midnight. At this point, my biggest challenge is finishing Welcome to Rosie Hopkins’ Sweet Shop of Dreams. I still have 250 pages to go and I haven’t been reading it in these past days. And today I don’t have the time to pick it up. Well, tomorrow is going to be a full day.
Pages Read: 64
24th December
Yesterday dinner was great. Is from nights like that that I’m happy to have the friend I have. We just get together around a table and have a great time. When I got back I wasn’t actually tired so I read a few more pages of Winter Wonderland. To be honest, this is not looking good for me. Reading before sleeping helped a lot but I still have 40 pages left. Although, I still have A Christmas Carol and Welcome to Rosie Hopkins’ Sweet Shop of Dreams to finish. My mother already told me I’m not going to make it and unfortunately, I’m starting to believe her. I don’t want to believe in that, not yet. After dinner, I’ll know for sure but right now I want to believe it’s possible.
New Update: Winter Wonderland is checked. Although I know that I can’t finish 250 pages until midnight. As I said a few days back I’m not mad at myself and don’t even consider this readathon a failure. I’ve read a total of 10 and a half books. I discover great stories, authors, and spend more time reading in a week than I usually do in a month. I can’t say I’ll be missing reading this much because right now I’m in need of a break. I also have some vlogmas to watch back and two jigsaw puzzles I’m dying to get my hands on.
Hope you have a merry and lovely Christmas and we’ll talk soon on Boxing Day.
Pages Read: 275
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